On deciding to live with Ed Westwick: "I wanted to live in a really nice building, and he really didn’t care. I also didn’t want to be paying an arm and a leg for rent . . . Ed’s girlfriend was in town most of the time for the pilot we shot in ’07. So we hung out a little bit and talked about getting a place. We talked to Penn, too, but he had shot a show in New York before and was living, I think, with Milo Ventimiglia. Penn said, 'No, but good luck. I’m over the roommate situation.' So I called up Ed and was like, 'Hey, man, I’m going to New York tomorrow. Do you want to room with me?' He’s like [faking British accent], 'Yeah, why not?' So I looked around and sent him a few pics of the place I found and he said [faking British accent], 'Is there any extra room for guest bedrooms?' I was like, 'What are you talking about? This is New York. What do you want, a game room? Let’s just make space for a ping-pong room as well.' [laughs] Ed had no idea. But the apartment was in a nice building, and it had a great roof deck. We’d hang out up there all the time with our friends, and it was private."
About fan overload while filming: "You’re having a serious conversation, looking someone in the eye, but everywhere around you, it’s literally a circus. Sometimes I sit back and laugh. . . It’s funny because everyone wants to know what’s happening on set. There isn’t anything shocking to write about, so magazines want to stir things up, like, 'Blake and Leighton hate each other.' But the truth is, when we’re all done with work, it’s like, 'Hey, what are you doing? Let’s go do karaoke.' The publicity factor is outrageous. They just want to shoot you down. So that can definitely wear on you a bit. A perception of you is created, and you really have no control over it. To some degree, you learn to adapt. But you also think, 'Eff you, you don’t know me.'"
On his personal life: "I’m the biggest believer in not talking. I don’t Twitter or MySpace or Facebook. I want to keep to myself. I don’t want to be out there. You have to keep some kind of control over who you are."
pictures and story courtesy of interview magazine